Wednesday, November 2, 2011


卢浮宫 – 世界上最古老, 最大, 最著名的博物馆. 位于巴黎市中心的塞纳河北岸.

紫禁城 - 位于北京市中心,现称为故宫,意为过去的皇宫。它是明、清两代的皇宫. 当今世界上现存规模最大、建筑最雄伟、保存最完整的古代宫殿和古建筑群.


        站在法国巴黎的卢浮宫前, 竟然看见中国康熙皇帝朝服像的巨幅海报,高高悬挂在了卢浮宫的外墙之上. 这位古老中国的皇帝凝神静思,似乎用威严的目光打量着卢浮宫著名的标志——玻璃金字塔, 以及所有前来参观的人们.

        自己曾经到访故宫. 身为炎黄子孙,对于有着五千年历史的文化古物, 每件展览品背后的故事都会有深深的体会和震撼.
而令自己更为震撼的是, 竟然在卢浮宫,一座代表着西方文化的博物馆里, 看见东方文化的展出.这是多么的不可思议, 自己竟然成了中国古代和法兰西文化对话的见证人.

        “重扉轻启——明清宫廷生活文物展” 于2011年9月29日至2012年1月9日在巴黎卢浮宫展出。该展览是北京故宫博物院和巴黎卢浮宫博物馆多年合作的一大硕果,也是中国和法国在文化和外交上的一大盛事.





Monday, October 24, 2011

我爱妳, 巴黎!

     从小就有个梦想, 希望能游法国巴黎. 中学时代给自己定了个目标; 25岁前游日本, 35岁前游欧洲. 25岁的梦想国虽没法前往, 但却把足迹踏在中国, 韩国, 泰国等地. 现在进入35岁, 很高兴能实现我儿时梦想, 旅游法国巴黎-世界最浪漫的国家.

     从定机票那一刻起, 心里就一直雀悅期待. 不停从网上找寻相关资料, 安排行程等等. 这可是我们的背包自助旅-用最少的钱, 走更多的地方. 7天的旅程, 扣除机上的2 天, 真正在法国才5天而已. 可这5天, 却让我们感受到浓浓的欧洲风味, 浪漫秋意, 令人迷醉忘我的国都里.

     坐在露天咖啡座里, 享受着一杯香浓的cappucino, 配着法式精点面包或马卡龙, 是多么的诗情话意. 一地的枫叶, 漂亮的脸庞, 迷人的景色, 悠然的心情, 不就是一幅令人梦寐以求的生活. 法国人浪漫, 就连一个眼神, 一个微笑, 也令我们陶醉于中.

     蒙娜丽莎的微笑, 风靡全球. 法国的浪漫, 俘获每个旅人的心.

     我爱上这片土地. 我爱妳, 巴黎.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

柬甫寨 (Cambodia) - 暹粒 & 金边2007回顾之旅 - 2

金边 (Phnom Penh)

在柬甫寨的第3天, 我们启程去金边. 导游送我们去到车站, 安顿好行李一切之后, 我们就等巴士司机开车. 从暹粒到金边需时6-7个小时. 中途会有一站休息并让我们吃午餐. 在途中, 我们会经过令人闻风丧胆的Killing field. 在着埋藏着无数的地雷, 炸死无数的人民. 金边的导游已在那儿等着我们的到来. 上了车我们直接去参观今边的第一个景点-城市标志-独立纪念碑.


NagaWorld Casino – 一间5星级的酒店赌场. 一进去是老虎机, 在进大堂内部, 金碧辉煌. 业主口操香港口音广东语, 务必是澳门人吧. 我们一行7人并没有赌, 看了一会儿, 我们就走了.

四臂河(Mekong River)

黄昏时分乘坐游船观赏四臂河风景. 只见不少游人和当地人坐在岸边观赏日落, 或忙里偷闲, 或与家人朋友聚会, 好不热闹. 游船上提供水果与饮料, 我们一边吃着水果, 一边观赏风景, 更重要的是可以了解柬埔寨人最朴素的生活:水上人家的生活。靠水吃水,人类社会的各种活动,都在水上进行。这或许是柬埔寨人最顺应自然的生活方式,充分体现了人与自然的亲密。也在游船河的同时, 看出了贫富的悬殊. 一边是贫穷的水上人家, 一边是金碧辉煌的皇宫, 5星级的酒店, 洋人爱的酒吧,咖啡馆等.

是夜, 吃了晚餐, 就回酒点休息. 晚上9点, 街上就静悄悄的了. 店铺关了门, 行人也没瞧见两个, 漆黑一片. 没了夜生活, 只能早睡咯.

金边大皇宫 (Royal Palace) - 金边大皇宫远比曼谷的皇宫小的多, 但富丽堂皇的程度不逞多嚷. 金銮殿(THRONE HALL),59米高的尖塔中上部有四张脸望着四方,建于1869年,灵感显然是来源于吴哥窟的巴戎庙。这里原本是木制的建筑,后于1919年重新用水泥翻建。金銮殿内有国王宝座,是进行国王加冕和一些外交仪式的场所。金銮殿的旁边是皇家办公室,功能不用说也猜得到。在办公室前面有一幢灰色的两层西洋小楼,和周围的其他建筑配在一起,很不协调。原来这是法国的拿破仑三世(拿破仑•波拿巴的儿子)送给诺罗敦国王的礼物——铁房子(IRON HOUSE)。柬埔寨曾是法国殖民地印度支那的一部分,这铁房子就是历史的见证。

银殿(Silver Pagoda)又称玉佛寺(Emerald Buddha),是一座寺庙式建筑,实际上是王室的家庙。银殿因地板是用每块1.125公斤重的5329块纯银砖块铺成而得名;又因有一尊用整块翡翠雕成的翠绿色玉佛像而被称为玉佛寺.


中央广场(Central Market)– 当地人去的一座购物广场. 只因当我们到达时下着大雨而没缘逛.

俄罗斯广场(Russian Market) – 游客的购物天堂. 这本是俄罗斯人聚集一起的小买卖进而扩大成为本地人和游客喜爱的购物中心. 在这买了几件1美元的柬埔寨T-Shirt.

红高棉监狱博物馆(Tuol Sleng Museum) – 这原本是一所中学, 后被红高棉作关押犯人的集中营,也叫S-21监狱.导游带领我们进入每一间课室,讲解每一间课室里的刑具与故事. 有些房只有单人铁床和刑具,一些则放了残酷的拷打和折磨的照片, 当中不乏妇女, 儿童, 孕妇和婴儿. 直至其中一间房, 里头放了很多照片, 除了受害者被折磨或用刑时的情景,也结夹着一些由旅客拍下的灵异照片. 而房里也摆放无数的骷髅头. 突然间, 我只觉得阴风阵阵, 毛骨悚然, 心里发起毛来.. 我不发一语, 立刻走出房间站在太阳底下. 妈妈跟着出来问我怎么啦, 我只说, 突然感到害怕. 导游说楼上还有纪录片解说和其他的展览. 但他却不建议我们去看. 只说实在是血淋淋, 阴森可怖, 残酷不堪.

金边给我的印象, 虽说是一国之都, 但这里的汽车, 摩托大多没有车牌. 车主如何辩任出哪辆是他们的车呢? 而又在没有缴税的情形下大方的在路上行驶. 导游说这可是犯法的, 但执行却不严. 警察的薪金低, 大多都是受取贿赂而放行. 店铺在我们踏入前一刻才开灯, 在我们后脚一离开就立刻关灯. 1点至2点半是全国小修时分, 连同我们也要入乡随俗, 回酒店休息.

柬甫寨 (Cambodia) - 暹粒 & 金边2007回顾之旅 - 1

暹粒(Seam Reap)

多谢亚航而令我们得以廉价的机票飞彺暹粒这古老又富有神秘色彩的城市. 2007年7月,踏入了这个有着古老传说的国都.

机场大厅在我们踏入时才把灯和冷气打开. 为了节省电源吧. 我们那亲切的导游拿着纸牌迎接我们的到来. 一路上黄沙滚滚但却林立着一间又一间的新建酒店.

因凭着零碎的记忆, 无法详细地一一记述每个地方.

洞里萨湖 – 东南亚最大的湖 (Tonle Sap Lake)

途经一些小村庄. 小孩多都赦身裸体. 妇女们就只是用沙笼裹身. 小小的茅草屋简陋无比. 这并没有电供应, 用的都是煤油灯和一切能从河流上取得的天然资源.

导游一再叮咛 : 不喝街边冰水, 不吃街边小吃, 不给钱乞丐. 甫下车, 瘦小的孩童围绕着我们讨钱. 可是, 慈爱之心不能在着发挥.

小船在峡窄的河流上向前行驶. 人们都倚靠着湖而维生. 学校, 医院, 政府机构, 餐馆都建立在河的两旁. 就在驶往河口时, 我们都给眼前的景象震撼住. 根本想象不到洞里萨湖尽是一望无际. 我们就像汪洋中的小船, 漂浮在茫茫的大海. 真的想象不出从一条小河能通向的竟是那么大的一个湖泊.

吴哥窟 - 世界7大奇迹之一.

古老文明的一座庙宇. 一边听着导游的解说, 一边欣赏古人的智慧. 看着那90度倾斜的阶梯, 心里已经在发毛. 导游不停的游说我们爬上去. 说:顶端是最神圣的地方. 从上眺望, 别有令一番滋味. 又说在庙的另一头有扶手拾级而下, 要我们不要害怕. 在她的縱恿之下, 姐的朋友说: 上就上吧. 看着她手脚并用拾级而上,我们也跟着爬. 阶梯真的好陡. 宽度也只有半个脚板的大小. 我就像蜘蛛侠一样双手双脚一步一步慢慢的爬. 爬到一半时, 我已经害怕的很后悔. 现在真的是骑虎难下, 上也不是, 下也不是,为有硬着头皮爬上去. 上到顶端, 双脚不只发软, 连整头都发麻了.

导游见我们苯手苯脚的, 觉得担忧, 也跟了上来. 她说的没错. 在庙宇顶端往外眺望, 心情舒畅无比, 平静安宁. 它有着神奇的力量, 让每个向它朝圣的人们, 俯首于它的伟大. 让渺小的我们领悟万物的奥妙, 让我们敞开心胸, 开拓新的思维. 一个个曼妙的仙女, 领着我们回到古老文明的世界, 洗涤我们心灵上污点. 当那微风轻轻迎面吹来, 感觉就像人间天堂.

吴哥窟有着它的神秘, 它的禁忌, 都围绕着浓浓的宗教色彩. 沿着吴哥王城游走, 还能参观其它遗址如,鬥象台(Elephant Terrace), 12生肖塔, 塔普倫寺(TaProhm), 巴戎庙(Bayon Temple), 女皇庙(Bantreay Srei)等等.

每座遗迹都有着它自己的故事. 就如:

巴戎庙(Bayon Temple) 也称微笑高棉. 这里有200多个佛像的微笑, 上上下下穿梭在丛林里, 透着不同的光线 围绕在我们身旁, 让我们深深着迷.

塔普倫寺(TaProhm), 一座被巨大数根盤缠着, 就像一条大蟒蛇由上而下, 紧紧缠绕着寺庙的每一处, 建築也多剩下斷垣殘壁.也正因为大树樹根莖幹盤結地過份而放棄了维修.

女皇庙(Bantreay Srei), 整座以紅色的砂石為建材,刻滿了精美的雕刻,其中優雅的亞撒拉仙女(Apsara)雕刻,可愛甜美的笑容,秀丽的脸庞, 被誉为’东方的蒙娜莉莎.

巴肯山 看日落.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hong Kong & Macau 6 Days Trip : Day 6

Day 6 – 19th December 2010

The Victoria Peak (太平山顶).

   We want to ride the Peak Tram to go to The Peak. Thus, we take MTR to Central’s Station and Exit J2. This exit leads us to Charter Garden where Bank of China Tower is clearly visible. As today is Sunday whereby all those Pilipino maids are in holiday. They all gathers in Charter Garden and some of them even selling clothes and groceries.

   Follow the Garden Road uphill to The Peak Lower Terminal for 20minutes. You will walk pass Cheung Kong Centre at your right hand side and Citibank at your left. Further up on your right is St. Johns Cathedral Church. At the 1st traffic light turn left and there you reached.

   If you are using Octopus card, you can skip the long queue for purchasing ticket. The pricing of the ticket is 1 way HKD25 and return HKD36. We didn’t purchase the Sky Pass where you can climb to the highest 360° viewing platform - Sky Terrace.

We finally managed to board on the peak tram from the crowd. We are lucky to get a seat on our right hand side whereby we can have a beautiful view of the city while the tram going uphill. Once the tram arrived, you will step to The Peak Market. Besides enjoying the unique shopping spree at 396 metres above sea level, there is dazzling array of restaurants to dine off. Up to Level 2 where the Madame Tussauds Hong Kong located at. We didn’t purchase for the ticket but we still can take photo with 2 wax celebrity figures, 1. Michelle Yeoh and 2. Bruce Lee.

Since today is Sunday, there are lots of rich mans bringing their pet dogs breakfast at those dazzling restaurants. Perhaps I can be one of them that can leisurely dining at the peak of the city with the fresh atmosphere and panoramic views of the vibrant city.

After our lunch at The Peak, we are walking back to Bank of China Tower (Central) and we are decided to hop into the ‘Ding Ding’ tram. This is the best way to experience the city fascinating local attractions, tantalizing tastes and unique heritage of Hong Kong. It is only HKD2 for a trip.

We get down from the front of the ‘Ding Ding’ tram by touching our Octopus card at Wan Chai. On our left is the Wan Chai MTR station. Our next destination is the Golden Bauhinia Square. From the direction we asked, we have to walk across the footbridge, head right and through the lobby of Central Plaza, continue on across the connecting overhead walkway and then descend to the ground level. While we walk walking thru the footbridge heading towards the waterfront, we feel that we are either back to Malaysia or to be accurately we are in Indonesia. If said Charted Garden is the place for Filipinos then here is the place for Indon. Is about 20 minutes walk to the statue and monument which placed in the square next to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

This gilded bauhinia statue presented to Hong Kong by the China’s Central Government in the celebration of the return of Hong Kong, the former British colony to the People’s Republic of China and the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Walking back to the Wan Chai MTR station and across the road there is a bazaar, Li Yuen East and West Street. There actually is a local market with 2 narrow alley selling clothes, watches, shoes, bags etc.

At night, we went to Ladies Market. Ladies market is much more bigger and do remember to bargain for the price. There is a lots of snack food along the roadside. We have tried on fries, smelly toufu (臭豆腐), yogurt ice-cream, salted fried chicken (咸酥鸡), bun, 鸡蛋仔, Gong Tea (贡茶) and etc.

Day 1 - Macau
Day 2 - Macau
Day 3 - Hong Kong
Day 4 - Hong Kong
Day 5 - Hong Kong

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hong Kong & Macau 6 Days Trip : Day 5

Day 5 – 18th December 2010

Today our itinerary is to Lantau Island. We are going to take the Ngong Ping 360 cable car to Lantau Island. As usual, take the MRT to Tung Chung. One can purchase package which consists of cable car ticket and 2 variety shows. Or just purchase for the cable car. There are 2 types of cabin, crystal cabin or the normal type. There are no discounts for elderly (only applicable for HK citizen) but they are having promotion that day which is free ticket for kids.

Say “Cheese” after you board on the cable car where the staff there snaps a photo for you. Just for fun, we wave goodbye to the return cable car and see how many of them will wave back to us.

The Giant Buddha, the world’s tallest outdoor seated bronze Buddha, looking down on us, blessing everyone of us.

You can enjoy a vegetarian lunch at Po Lin Monastery.

There is another attractions that you might not miss, Wisdom Path (心经简林).

It is a sutra displayed on wooden pillars placed in the form of a figure "∞" to symbolize the idea of immeasurable splendor and infinity. Follow the directional sign to a Tea Garden and walk through the hiking trail from the entrance of Tea Garden for 15 mins.

Way back, most people’s blog suggest heading to Tai O fishing village by boat. But we decided to do some shopping at Tung Chung since the weather is so cold. Tung Chung Plaza, where the branded factory outlet located at, you may shop till you drop.

As we are not keen to branded things, we just walk around and headed to Tsim Sha Tsui. Walking along the Victoria Harbor and view the beautiful Christmas lights decorations. The Avenue of Stars(星光大道), It is a tribute to Hong Kong’s film industry where you can find hand imprints and autograph of stars and film director. We have missed the Symphony of Lights show presented at 8pm. But wrap with happiness finding the hand print of our favorites star.

Our next stop is Lan Kwai Fong. Take the MTR station to Central and look for Exit D2. Walk along Theatre Lane and up to D’Aguilar Street, you find the Coach outlet at the Junction. Then walk about 5 minutes to Lan Kwai Fong. That night doesn’t seem much people. Maybe due to the constructions work there, or the cold weather or the night still young for those bar lovers.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Hong Kong & Macau 6 Days Trip : Day 4

Day 4 – 17th December 2010

Weather forecast lowest 6 degree Celsius of the day.

While we are all prepared and after our delicious bun (菠蘿包) and yin yeung (鸳鸯) as our breakfast, and yes, we are going to Disneyland.

 From YauMaTei MRT station take the Tsuen Wan line and interchange at Central to Tung Chung line. Get down from station Sunny Bay. And now you will need to board on a Mickey Train to Disneyland Resort.

 Although it is a sunny day but the temperature still remain cold. Bought our ticket with adult HKD350, kid HKD250 and elder HKD150. Do keep your entrance ticket as remembrance as those tickets are printed with beautiful cartoon.
 There are 4 main lands in Disneyland Hong Kong ie Fantasy Land, Tomorrow Land, Adventure Land and Main Street USA. Have fun at Disneyland and find back all your childhood cartoon character around you.

There is the parade at 4:30pm. Remember to locate a good place to snap photos.

The last event was the fireworks around 9:00pm. Hmm, for me, it is not nice at all. Instead of waiting at the crowd, I better go for another round of games ride.

10:30pm – Have to leave. Goodbye Mickey. Goodbye Donald. Goodbye my dreamland.

11:00pm – Having our dinner/supper at Temple Street. Try out the claypot rice restaurant where there is very long queue during dinner time. We have ordered for chicken rice (滑鸡饭), mushroom salted fish chicken rice (冬姑咸鱼鸡饭) and (腊梅饭). Price between HKD18-HKD25 per pot. Don’t order the腊肉饭. The look is not nice and not delicious at all. There is 1 dishes you might not missed, fried oyster鸭蛋蚵煎 (HKD20), this is delicious.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Hong Kong & Macau 6 Days Trip : Day 3

   Freezing cold the 1st day in Hong Kong. Travel from Macau to Hong Kong by Cotai Jet which the journey takes around 60minutes. We have checked in our baggage for HKG Dollar 20 each. We have chosen to be seated at upper deck.

   Due to the weather condition, the ferry has been slow down several times. You may view the strong wave like going to entering thru the window. The ferry departs from Hong Kong-Macau ferry terminal and board at Sheung Wan Shun Tak Building. We are then taken taxi to our hotel, Bridal Tea House which located at Yau Ma Tei.

p/s: Check out the hotel infor at here.

Day 3 - 16th December 2010

   Arrive Hong Kong Sheung Wan around 1pm and transfer to hotel.

   After check-in hotel and taken our lunch nearby, our 1st stop is to visit the Tin Hou Temple at Temple Street. There while we are taken out our camera to shoot photo, a lady approach and ask whether we are tourist and ask whether she can ask us few question. Once we answer yes, few guys came with big camera and mic putting near to us and start interview us. Suddenly we felt that we are superstars and experience the feeling of so many microphones in front of you.

 They asking for our opinion if paying a visit to a 100 years history temple which have urns placed in the temple. How will we feel as a tourist? Will we feel scare and uneasy and think that it is not suitable to have such inside a temple. The interview immediately on air to the local news stations broadcast.

   After this excitement, we proceed to walk towards Nathan Road. Have our famous curry fishball (咖哩鱼旦) bought at 7-evelen.

As the temperature getting lower and lower (approx 6-7 degree Celsius) and with the wind chill, all of us immediately looking for winter clothes and boots. This is the night where all of us covered under our newly bought winter clothes, glove, scarf and boots, feeling the winter season which we never felt before, walking freezing but happily around Nathan Road and Jordan Road, around Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok area. Can I said that we all so lucky staying in Hong Kong at the coldest day of December of winter season over the past 8 years ?


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bridal Tea House Hotel @ Yau Ma Tei

   Let’s me briefly introduce the hotel I’m staying. This is the 3 star hotel located at Kowloon area, it can be said that it is situated in one of the liveliest area of the city. It is 2 minutes walking distance from Yau Ma Tei MTR station exit C. The hotel is very close to Nathan Road, the major shopping zone. The location offers easy access to Tin Hou Temple and Jade Market Street. During night time, you may pay a visit to the Temple Street Night Market which just around the corner of you may walk few streets to Ladies Market. I would like to say that the location of the hotel is truly advantageous and ensures a hassle free route to the hotel.

   Despite of shopping, restaurants surrounding to this hotel is the main key point. Just right opposite of the hotel, there are lots of restaurant selling noodles, porridge, claypot rice and don’t forget to try the claypot dishes at Temple street.

   In terms of room, it equip with TV, air-cond and heater, jug kettle, hair dryer, towels, shampoo, conditioner, brush set etc. Don’t expect too much on the room size as it is perfectly fix 2 single bed and there is no extra space for you to fully open up your luggage.

Local food stalls around the hotel.




Hong Kong & Macau 6 Days Trip : Day 2

Day 2

Walking to Ponte 16 and having our breakfast at Dim Sum restaurant. We are surprise to see that a table with 4 people having 4 teapots. After clarify with the waitress only we knew that the tea is calculated per person and therefore, each person can choose their own desire tea with own teapot. It’s totally different from ours whereby we are shared 1 teapot but still calculate per person.

After our breakfast we take the free shuttle bus to Venetian. Venetian is a famous luxury hotel and casino. And it is even bigger than those in Las Vegas. You may experience the unique and opulent shopping excitement at The Grand Canal which surrounded by world’s finest brands, stroll along winding cobblestone walkways or relax with the authentic gondola ride. It’s a MUST to pay a visit.

This is the hallway to the main casino. As you can see, the marble floor is like 3D reflective.

Marvel at the Roman paintings on the ceiling.

Indulge in the Roman landscape architecture.

Just across the road there is another hotel/casino that you might not miss, the City of Dreams. It’s an integrated entertainment, designer brand shopping and resort hotel such as Hard Rock, Crown Towers, Hyatt and Dragone.

We are attracted by the Vquarium. It is a virtual aquarium where aquatic life and mermaids come to life before our eyes. When the mermaids appeared on the big aquarium, we are scrambling to take pictures.

Besides, there will be live magic show by the performers.

There is another show called The Bubble : Dragon’s Treasure. It is a 10 minutes free show in a special effects projection dome theatre. My sister watched it on May and she said it is fantastic and marvelous multimedia show. Unfortunately, the theatre was closed today for system upgrading purpose.

Since there is no show for us today, we decided to take off and heading to Fisherman’s Wharf. There is free shuttle bus at Venetian to The Sands casino where nearby to Fisherman’s Wharf.

Tough the Fisherman’s Wharf is just 5 minutes walk from The Sands, but we can’t even get a move. The rain, the chilly wind, and the suddenly drops temperature freeze us as we are only wearing a light jacket. We wait for the rain to become smaller and walking under the rain to the wharf.

Fisherman’s Wharf is built with many separate theme buildings such as Italian Riviera, Spain, Amsterdam, Cape Town and few more. Those shops and restaurants are designed in the way that showcases the culture and uniqueness of the countries. As we are strolling through, we feel like we are taking a round the world trip. As it is raining and with the chilly wind, and it already 8pm, we didn’t get on any ride climbing up to the Volcano.

Definitely we will visit to this amusement park if we got another chance in the future.

Day3 - Hong Kong

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hong Kong & Macau 6 Days Trip : Day 1

The long waited free and easy trip to Macau has arrived. I'm taking the early flight which is 6:30am and expected to arrive Macau at 10:30am.

Day 1

Touch ground around 10:30am. There is immigration police with dog standing there when each of the visitors passing by with their luggage.
Looking for the information to travel to our hotel. From the information we have checked on internet, we eventually can take bus 21 which cost MOP6 to the bus station nearby our hotel. However, the information counter told us that in this cold weather and travelling with kid and eldest, it is more convenient to take taxi or rent a van. We decided to rent a van. The man in the information counter talking exactly like Wong Cho Lam (王祖蓝).

For those staying at Ole London Hotel, it is advisable to tell the taxi driver the Chinese name of the hotel which is 英京酒店.
The hotel location is good. You can easily walk to Senado Square with just 5-10 minutes.

Our hotel room is fully equipt with towel, bath shampoo, hairdryer, slipper, kettle etc.

After we have checked in hotel, we are out for our lunch. Along the street, you will see this old macau building.

We have our 1st lunch at Macau in a small restaurant.

famous pork chop bun

   After the breakfast, we are going to our 1st destination tourist sport, A Ma Temple.

Besides the square is the Museum of the Maritime.

From the main door of the hotel, turn left to Rua da Alfandga (红窗门街). In this street, there are a lot of restaurants. You may want to try out the local portugese food. Walk straight you will reach to AV. Almeida Ribeiro (新马路). There are few famous local snack/food that you might not miss. The almond biscuits 杏仁饼, portugese tart 葡撻 (MOP7 each), and the ginger candy 姜糖.
This is the one of the main street in Macau town. Once you pass this street, yes, you reach the Senado Square.
The St.Dominic's Church is at the corner of the square.
 From the Senado Square, you may walk further to the below destination.
Along the street, you may found a lots of local biscuits and sourvenior shop. The most famous is the 钜记 Koi Kei. Although there is few shops over a street and all are crowded by visitors, according to the localist, they prefer 咀香园more than 钜记. Anyhow, my mom bought from both of the shops.

And yes the Ruins of St. Paul's (大三巴牌坊) is infront of your eyes.

Further up you may walk to the hill top next to Ruins of St.Paul is the Mount Fortress. It's become one of the UNESCO world heritage site.
Don't ever forget about the famous pork bun (猪仔包). There is one along the Xin Ma Road. 

Shops along Xin Ma Road.

Beautiful night secenary and Christmas decorations around Senado Square.

Grand Lisboa

On the way from Lisboa back to Senado Square, there is a famous dessert  that you cannot miss. Yee Shun Milk Company, double-layer milk (双皮奶) and ginger milk (姜汁撞奶). Umm.. Yummy !

Follow my Day 2 itinerary here.
Day 3 - Hong Kong
Day 4 - Hong Kong
Day 5 - Hong Kong
Day 6 - Hong Kong